
Startups and Introductions to Entrepreneurship
From thinking about owning a business through the startup phase and launch, Bluestem Business Builders will guide you. We’ve been there before. We’ve done that. We understand what makes a great entrepreneur and how businesses are built from the ground up.

Level-ups and Transitions
Whether it’s from self-employment to hiring employees or geographic expansion from local to international, taking your business to the next level can be a monumental challenge. We’ve been through those challenges ourselves and have learned lessons through both success and failure that will prove invaluable to your success.

Exit strategies and Planning
Begin with the end in mind; if you didn’t, plan your exit now. At Bluestem Business Builders, we’ve been developing exit and succession strategies and plans for decades. Whether you’re looking at an equity event or would prefer to pass your business on to a successor, we’ll help you with the necessary steps to achieve your goal.

Strategic Planning
It’s been said many times, “Fail to plan. Plan to fail,” and we believe it. Documented strategic plans with a vision, mission and values to guide your organization are absolutely critical to success. Just as important is connecting your strategy to the day-to-day work that needs to get done. The better your employees understand their role in your organization’s success, the more successful you will be.

Skills Coaching
Everyone has skill areas that can be improved. Whether it’s leadership, time management, communication, sales, project management or other key skill areas, Bluestem Business Builders can help. Many of our associates have decades of experience in specific skill areas.

Personnel Management
Hiring the right people, grooming them for higher levels of responsibility, motivating them to improve, providing incentives to encourage desirable behaviors, putting the right people in the right roles and letting people go when it just doesn’t work out. These are all components of effective personnel management. We’ve had decades of experience with hundreds of employees to refine our guidance to assist you in these areas.

Systemization and Automation
It’s nearly impossible to achieve exponential growth without systemization and automation. Based on years of experience, we believe that most repetitive tasks can be automated and that systemization – whether it be simply documenting standard operating procedures or implementing a technology solution – will provide your organization with a platform to build a successful business. Most importantly, systemization and automation allow you to work on your business rather than in your business.